
Yesterday was Thanksgiving! one of the best holidays of all. Unfortunately, Priscilla and I are in Australia for this day where there are no pilgrims, indians, turkeys, cornucopias, or cut out paper hand turkeys. And its hot and sunny. But thats ok, we had our own Thanksgiving!

This was actually our first turkey day away from our families. This is sad because a) we missed them and b) we don’t know how to cook very well. But we pushed on anyway.

Turkeys are hard to find here (a friend of ours special ordered one for $120!) so we had a chicken instead.



Priscilla had to work (no Thanksgiving holiday?!?) so i had to do a good bit of the cooking. Luckily she got off early so she saved the day at the end.  We had chicken, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, peas, rolls, and pumpkin pie! Not bad at all. Priscilla also made some hot spiced wine which was pretty much hot sangria. It was pretty good, but it would have been a lot better if it was cold outside. Hot wine on a warm sunny day isn’t so good.

I couldn’t find any canned pumpkin here so i had to get some real pumpkin and cook it and use real pumpkin glop to make the pie. It turned out ok, but not too great. Our oven is a high tech piece of junk and nothing ever cooks right so it was kinda undercooked on the inside and half burned on the outside. Luckily i made a second pie and round 2 came out better.

So it was sad to be away from everyone, but we turned it into our own nice little holiday. 🙂

3 responses to “Thanksgiving!

  1. I heard on the radio today that the turkey is an entirely North American bird. Not found natively anywhere else in the world.

    Furthermore…. in Olde English, the word Turkey meant “foreign” or “weird”. So when the early settlers brought back turkey’s to England, they called them Turkey Birds.

    The more you know…..

  2. How do i miss NPR…

    They have birds here called Bush Turkeys. They pretty much look like regular turkeys, but they have red heads and probably smaller.

    They’re everywhere and are taking over the parks and campuses. Too bad we can’t eat ’em.

  3. Good job cooking Dan!!
    Since Australia was founded by a bunch of convicts, I see why P wouldn’t get a holiday celebrating Pilgrims =)

    I was in Syracuse for the holiday, it made me think of you guys. Upstate NY what what!

    See you soon!

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